The solutions

At Revocare Solutions our focus is on providing you with innovative tech solutions that can transform your customer experience. With this in mind, we are constantly evaluating the global marketplace and adapting our solutions to best suit the current scenarios, and evolving to predict emerging marketplace trends and building our solutions portfolio to effectively deal with such trends. Our existing solutions portfolio is designed to be extremely people friendly and can be fine-tuned to meet whatever your organisation’s requirements may be.

Our globally compatible solutions portfolio covers a wide range of services that can transform your organisation’s effectivity and performance

Our solutions
Customer Relationship Management – CRM Automated lead segmentation combined with single view dashboard and the advantage of zero downtime
Our solutions
Trader’s Room Easily manage multiple points of engagement with this new-gen software that supports MT4 and MT5 platforms
Our solutions
Off Shore Company Formation Gain a competitive advantage that will keep you on top of your game while expanding your global reach
Our solutions
Financial Licencing Get the proper expertise you need when looking to establish financial services in the global marketplace
Our solutions
Marketing Get more qualified sales leads which grow your business using paid advertisinf as a sales funnel
Our solutions
Development Maintain a cutting edge web presence and mobile apps that are in sync with the latest global trends